Teaching Scotland's Future Update - January 2014
This leaflet provides some information about four current developments relevant to Teaching Scotland’s Future. Please take the time to read about the new opportunities that exist for your professional learning.
Professional Review and Development

The purpose of this guidance is to support the positive engagement of teachers, headteachers and system leaders in the PRD process.
Career-long Professional Learning

This guidance supports teachers in furthering their approaches to professional learning. Career-long professional learning builds on current strengths of continuing professional development and extends the concept of the enhanced professional.
Framework for Educational Linguistics

The Framework for Educational Linguistics supports the development of high performing leaders equipped to lead and manage in challenging and changing times.
Teaching Scotland's Future Report

Report of the 2010 national Review of Teacher Education in Scotland containing 50 recommendations to build the professional capacity of teachers and ultimately improve young people's learning, and other supporting documents.
Teaching Scotland's Future - National Partnership Group - Report to the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning
Published in September 2012, this report puts forward proposals on how to implement the recommendations within the Teaching Scotland's Future report following the review of teacher education in Scotland.
GTCS Professional Standards

Information on the General Teaching Council for Scotland website about standards for the profession, for initial teacher education, for full registration and for linguistics and management.
GTCS Professional Update

GTCS have been tasked by the Government with introducing a scheme of reaccreditation for teachers. The title for this process is Professional Update. GTCS are currently running pilot programmes of Professional Update in three local authorities.
Partnership Framework Agreement

A set of key principles that should inform all partnership arrangements in the Early Phase of Teachers’ Learning, developed by the Teacher Education Committee (STEC) and the Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES), agreed by the National Implementation Board (NIB).
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