Our partners include:
Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES)
ADES is an independent professional network for leaders and managers in education and children's services. It informs and influences education policy in Scotland working in partnership with local and national government and other agencies.
Association of Headteachers and Deputes in Scotland
AHDS is an association for heads, deputes and principal teachers from nursery, primary and ASN schools around Scotland.
Convention of Local Authorities (COSLA)
COSLA, the Convention of Local Authorities, is the representative voice of local government and also acts as the employers’ association on behalf of all 32 Councils.
Education Scotland
Education Scotland is an executive agency of the Government charged with supporting quality and improvement in education and thereby securing the delivery of better learning experiences and outcomes for learners of all ages. Education Scotland is working with partners to lead and support aspects of the implementation of Teaching Scotland’s Future and is developing a range of resources, guidance and materials to support teachers’ professional learning.
The Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) is the largest teaching union in Scotland. Founded in 1847 the EIS is also the oldest teaching union in the world.
GTC Scotland

The General Teaching Council for Scotland is the independent professional body which promotes and regulates the teaching profession in Scotland. Amongst other functions it is responsible for establishing and reviewing the standards of education and training appropriate to school teachers.
School Leaders Scotland

Headteachers and senior leaders are represented on the National Implementation Board by School Leaders Scotland (SLS) on behalf of SLS and the Association of Headteachers & Deputes in Scotland (AHDS). School Leaders Scotland is an association of senior leaders in secondary schools.

The devolved government for Scotland is responsible for most of the issues of day-to-day concern to the people of Scotland, including health, education, justice, rural affairs, and transport. The Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Michael Russell, established the National Implementation Board to take forward the recommendations of Teaching Scotland’s Future, the review of teacher education in Scotland, and the National Partnership Group.
Skills for Care and Development (SfC&D) is the Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) for people working in early years, children and young people's services, and those working in social work and social care for children and adults in the UK.
Teachers Panel
Teachers are represented on the National Implementation Board by a representative from the Teacher’s Panel, on behalf of the four teacher unions in Scotland, the EIS, NASUWT, SSTA and Voice.
Universities Scotland
Universities Scotland is the representative body of Scotland's 19 higher education institutions. It develops policy on behalf of the university sector and campaigns publicly on higher education issues.
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